Catch battery defects in hours — not weeks.

Detect issues and diagnose root cause fast, with data you already collect. Significantly reduce manufacturing ramp-up time with Voltaiq battery quality analytics.

Voltaiq Battery Quality Analytics for Cell Manufacturers

Trusted by leading battery manufacturers and OEMs

Current defect detection methods are far too slow — wasting millions of dollars as you scale up.

End-of-line QC take days or weeks after production to spot defective cells, and often doesn’t catch all problem cells before they are shipped.

Trying to diagnose root cause by manually correlating thousands
of upstream process settings, measurements, and tolerances
creates significant delay.

Pinpointing root cause is a cumbersome process of visualizing many disparate data streams to get the full picture and identify actionable next steps.

Identify issues faster and decrease your battery scrap rate.


Catch battery defects faster.

Get alerted to problems within the first hours of formation, weeks sooner than existing QA processes, so you can find and fix upstream issues faster.

Voltaiq battery quality analytics visualizations

Understand the full context of an issue in just a few clicks.

Easily configure and share visualizations that break down defects by frequency, process or equipment, without any tedious data collection or processing.

Root Cause Analysis

Diagnose the cause of the issue promptly.

In a few clicks, identify which upstream processes and materials led to the defects — giving you the whole picture at once.
Battery defect root cause analysis in Voltaiq
Voltaiq manufacturing battery analytics dashboard
Shareable Dashboards & Reports

Easily communicate the issue for faster resolution.

Quickly generate reports and dashboards to share your findings with other stakeholders, without having to manually gather all of the data from various sources.

“Having run battery teams across cell manufacturers and OEMs at different stages, we’re constantly shorthanded and under the gun. We can’t afford to spend any time on data management — we just need the insights. Voltaiq brings us the software infrastructure and added expertise to help us scale-up and run battery production efficiently. Voltaiq provides the clarity and traceability that enables my engineers to quickly pinpoint and resolve issues so we can keep moving forward.”

Celina Mikolajczak

Chief Battery Technical Officer

How Voltaiq Works

Automated Data Input

Voltaiq collects raw data from your end-of-line, quality labs, process equipment, and materials tracking equipment and harmonizes it into a common language.

Feature, KPI, and
Insight Extraction

Voltaiq analyzes the harmonized data to extract advanced electrochemical metrics for each battery that are indicative of battery quality (e.g. internal resistance, dQ/dV peaks, etc.).


Voltaiq tracks every material, setting, and condition related to producing each battery, and stores it as a unique digital record (e.g. materials lots, process lines, operators on duty, etc.).

Shareable Dashboards & Actionable Insights

Voltaiq offers multiple pathways for analysis. In-app visualization tools make it easy to find and share insights, while the integrated data science environment and platform APIs enable advanced processing, analysis and integrations.

Partner With Our Team of Battery Experts

​​Consider us an extension of your team. We provide extra expert analytical support during ramp up when you really need it, and consistent support when running at steady state. Our dedicated team of industry veterans provides customized on-site setup and training, process optimization, analysis, and more.

Supporting teams across the battery production process.

Pilot Lines

Dial in materials and tolerances sooner, reach process milestones quicker, scale faster

Gigafactory Ramp Up

Accelerate yield ramp, slash costly and hazardous scrap waste, fast-track profitability

Gigafactory Optimization

Maximize yield, minimize scrap, find and resolve problems faster, optimize cell quality, increase profits

Quality and Validation Labs

Increase operational efficiency, accelerate quality issue identification and link back to upstream materials and processes.